St. Andrews Gold-Plated


Thank you! to...

Thank you to the St. Andrews Chamber of Commerce, especially Don Menton, who encouraged further development of this site, and Dan Burley, who recognized the value of continuing the series back in 2012.

Special thanks to Don Menton and Jill Little of Jill Little Design for the invitation to participate in publishing the St. Andrews Trade Coins Poster (2015).

Here's a copy of the 2015 St. Andrews Trade Coins promotional poster.

St. Andrews Trade Coins 2015


Some documentation

Throughout my years of collecting St. Andrews Trade Tokens, I've come across numerous pieces of printed paraphernalia promoting the series or the town in one way or another. This page serves to document some of the more easily recorded of those publications.


1. Andrews, Leo. Personal interviews. 2006-2011

2. Pelletier, Serge. A Compendium of Canadian Municipal Trade Tokens. 2007: Eligi Consultants, Ottawa. Materials and mintage statistics.

3. Pelletier, Serge. Canadian Municipal Trade Dollars. 198?: Unitrade Press, Toronto. Materials and mintage statistics.

4. St. Andrews Chamber of Commerce. 2013

5. St. Andrews, New Brunswick Chamber of Commerce Trade Dollars. Pamphlet, 1984. Information for descriptions of coins issued 1976-1984.

6. St. Andrews Trade Dollar. Pamphet, 1985. Information for description of coin issued 1985.

7. St. Andrews Trade Dollar. Collectors' cards. 2004-2010. Information for descriptions of coins issued 2004-2010.