St. Andrews Gold-Plated


Some technical details about this site:

    built with HTML5 and CSS3;

    fully customizable dropdowns by meganizr;

    all images are original photography by Jack Watson;

    low-res images by Panasonic Lumix;

    high-res images with Nikon D3200 and Vivitar 2.2x macro lens;

    images edited in Irfanview and GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program);

    hosting by GoDaddy.



About the author:

Hello, everyone. The St. Andrews Trade Tokens site is essentially a hobby site, a fun way of sharing with others the pleasure of collecting this series.


Know any interesting stories about St. Andrews Trade Tokens? Maybe there's a detail or two you'd like to add here. If so, or even if you just want to comment on the site, I'd be happy to hear from you.

Thanks for visiting!